Thunderbird-2 README-FIRST

- This addon package (V1.1) is for FS9 ONLY.
- It requires a working version of Peter Dowson's FSUIPC V3.x (registered or unregistered).
You can download FSUIPC from: http:/
- To install:
- Unzip the contents of this package to any folder, using the option "Use folder names".
- From folder "Thunderbird2-for-FS9", copy the folder "1 TB2" and all it's contents into
folder ...FS9\Aircraft\.
- From folder "Thunderbird2-for-FS9\Effects", copy all .fx files into folder ...FS9\Effects\.
- For a full description, credits, copyrights, disclaimer and all details-of-operation:
see the README files in folder ...FS9\Aircraft\1 TB2\
- WARNING: DO NOT change the default name ...FS9\Aircraft\1 TB2\ !!

Rob Barendregt, Email:
Libardo Guzman, Email:

March 15, 2011